
Twenty Perspectives on Building
a Society Embedded in Natural Cycles

Society for Studies on Entropy




The theme of the 2001 symposium of the Society for Studies on Entropy (SSE) was In Search of a Society Embedded in Natural Cycles. SSE has been conducting research and discussions as well as participating in civic activities, armed with the key concepts of entropy and the material cycle, with hopes of assuring the continuance of life and human society on Earth. The 2001 symposium was planned specifically as a forum in which we might debate possibilities to bring our own thought to bear upon such fundamental questions as the right type of technological and economic systems that we must envision, and the legal and policy frameworks that they would require.
‘Recycling-based society (junkan-gata shakai)’ has by now become a legal term in Japan, and is held up as a sacrosanct cause of the nation. Yet, in reality, are we not drifting just as aimlessly as ever? For our present economic and technological systems are irrevocably committed to quantitative growth fuelled by mass production and mass consumption. Under such circumstances, is it reasonable to expect that recycling efforts alone will suffice to settle all our environmental problems? The crucial issue here is that the idea of a recycling-based society cannot illuminate the place of recycling in the broader cycle of the natural environment, in which our society must actually be embedded.
The following Twenty Perspectives were originally drafted by the SSE Executive Committee as a basis for discussion in the symposium, and were later redrafted in the light of discussions which transpired there and in subsequent meetings. They make specific statements on technology, economics, and law, reflecting the current state of SSE thought. As a milestone of SSE’s efforts over its 20-year history, we wish to present these formulations to the public for critical examination because we want to be guided in our future activities by steadily improved versions of these perspectives.

Ⅰ. エントロピー論の基本的考え

I. The Fundamental Ideas Underlying Entropy Theory

1. 地球上の生命と人類社会のあり方を理解する鍵は、エントロピーである。


1. The concept of entropy is the key to understanding the constraints on life and human society on Earth.

Entropy is defined as a quantitative measure of the ‘degree of dissipation’ as applied to matter and energy combined. Heat moves of its own accord from high- to low-
temperature bodies, but to reverse this direction we need to consume a certain amount of energy, say, electricity. To generate this electricity we must, for instance, make heat move from high- to low-temperature bodies. Similarly, matter diffuses by moving from a high- to low-concentration state. In order to concentrate matter, we need to do work, e.g., in the form of electricity. Thus, in order to obtain fresh water from sea water, we need to apply the work of physical and chemical separation, which would involve a matching consumption of energy.
In nature, matter and energy on the whole tend to increase their degree of dissipation. This is what the law of entropy in physics demands. Likewise, in the context of production and consumption in society, both matter and energy go from a useful to a useless (or less-useful) form, unless accompanied by a conscious action to reverse this transformation. Thus, in this context, the concept of entropy may be understood as a measure of the degradation of use-value.

2. 生命系の特徴はその定常性にある。「エントロピー増大の法則」の存在にもかかわらず生命系がエントロピーを一定に保って生きていられるのは、エントロピーを捨てる過程があり、そのエントロピーを受け取る環境が定常的に存在するからである。


2. A living system possesses the virtue of maintaining a steady entropic state. Despite the working of the law of entropy, the system can keep itself alive by maintaining a steady entropy state. This is possible because it has the ability to discard its excess entropy into the environment, which can absorb the discarded entropy without affecting its own steady state.

The environment can be understood as an external milieu where a living system can obtain low entropy (matter or energy) and discard high entropy (matter or energy). If this milieu were closed, then by interaction with the living system its entropy stock would increase, and it would eventually be unable to sustain life within itself. Thus, for the environment to function as an environment, it must likewise have its own larger environment where it can receive low entropy and discard high entropy. In fact, life has existed on Earth for 3.5 billion years because the planet itself is nested in a hierarchical, multi-layered system of environments.
At each level of this multi-layered structure, the lower layer constitutes the living system and the upper layer its environment. The upper layer is larger, and changes more slowly, than the lower layer. If the rate of change of the environment increases, the living system which it subsumes may be unable to adapt to new conditions, which may jeopardize the living system’s existence. In that sense the environment (upper layer) must remain in a steady state.

3. 地球上の生命と人類社会が存続するためには、広汎な共生の体系(生態系)が、物質の循環によって、発生したエントロピーを宇宙空間への熱放射という形で最終的に廃棄できなければならない。


3. For life and human society to sustain their existence on Earth, the ecosystem — the system of diverse co-evolving and interacting organisms — must be able to ultimately discard its incrementally growing entropy, through natural cycles, into space in the form of heat radiation.

That which supports continued life and human society on Earth is ultimately the supply of low-entropy energy (sunlight) and the discarding of high-entropy energy into space by heat radiation. Plants produce carbohydrates (low-entropy, high-energy matter) out of this low-entropy energy. Animals then consume these carbohydrates and oxygen, transforming them into forms which plants can use. Both processes require a low-entropy, low-energy substance, namely water, to dispose of entropy generated in the living system and carry it to the altitude where it can be heat-radiated into space.

4. 生態系とは,高エネルギー・低エントロピー物質の利用の連鎖によって循環的に連なった、広汎な共生の体系である。循環(物質循環と状態循環)が生態系の維持にとって基本的に重要である。


4. An ecological system is defined as an extensive system of co-evolving organisms that cycle through interrelated states. As we can see by the co-evolution of plants, animals, and micro-organisms, these cycles are supported by the chains of utilization (food chains) for high-energy, low-entropy organic substances such as carbohydrates and proteins.

Material cycles mediate the mechanism of entropy disposal, which links the living system with its environment at all levels. The living system is not fixed and invariable over time, but maintains a steady cycle of states while adapting to the alternation of day and night and to the change of seasons. For instance, plants flower in one season and bear fruit in another, this being made possible because nutrients are there at appropriate moments. In the same way, insects come at appropriate moments to help with pollination. Plant nutrients are produced by soil microorganisms that are capable of decomposing dead plants, animal wastes, and other substances, while insects feed on plant leaves and other energy sources. This illustrates how, in an ecological system, material cycles are governed by the cycle of states in living organisms.

5. 自然の循環と生命系の活動・多様なあり方とを壊すような人間の活動は、きびしく制限されなくてはならない。

 自然の循環が生命系の活動とその多様なあり方を支え、生命系の活動とその多様なあり方が自然の循環を支えている。生命はその発生以来、数十億年にわたるその潜在的多様性の展開・実現の結果,現在のような多様なあり方を示すに至っている。その長い過程には、次の3つの条件が基盤にあった。(1)原子核の基本的安定性、(2)生命起源の有機物の安定性、 (3) 細胞核(遺伝子)の基本的安定性。人間の社会的営為の中でこの3条件が損なわれてきた状況が、今日の環境問題・公害問題の根底にある。

5. We must impose strict limits on human activities that might interfere with natural cycles or impair the diversity of the states and functions of living systems.

Natural cycles support the activities and diversity of living systems, and vice versa. Since the inception of life, it has taken several billion years of trial and error to develop its present level of biodiversity. Three conditions underpinned this long process: (1) the basic stability of atomic nuclei, (2) the stability of naturally existing organic matter from which life sprang, and (3) the basic stability of cellular nuclei (genetic materials). At the heart of today’s environmental problems is the anthropogenic impairment of one or more of these three conditions.

Ⅱ. 技術と生産活動のあり方

II. The Forms of Technology and Production We Should Envision

6. 技術はエントロピーの法則に規定される。


6. All technologies are subject to the law of entropy.

Production is a human activity which consumes energy and resources in order to create use-value or objects that are useful to human existence (in most cases objects of lower entropy). But in the course of production it also generates wastes, which are high-entropy matter of little use to human beings. No one can circumvent this natural law, so that in principle it is impossible to realize a ‘zero emission’ society by such imaginary devices as ‘reverse factories,’ which supposedly reconvert all wastes into resources, without depending on the natural cycles of diverse ecosystems.

7. 地下から鉱石や化石燃料を掘り出し使用することは最小限にとどめ、適切に管理し、有効かつ公正に活用しなければならない。


7. We must minimize the extraction and use of underground minerals and fossil fuels. We must regulate such activities with a view to utilizing them most effectively and in the spirit of fairness to all.

The use of underground resources always leaves high-entropy (useless) wastes that harm the ecosystem and damage nature’s material cycles. It is extremely difficult to recover high-entropy and hazardous substances which have dissipated into the natural environment (for instance, lead released into the atmosphere, or mercury dispersed in the sea). Furthermore, the continued or heavy use of underground resources leads to their depletion and quality degradation, not to mention that the extraction process itself tends to release increasingly more hazardous substances into the ecosystem.
We must, therefore, minimize the use of underground resources that impose a heavy burden on the environment, which is all the more so because we still do not know the exact environmental limits of the earth. We possess no accurate knowledge about the extent to which we may safely continue to use these resources, or about the rate with which present practices would lead to disaster. Hence, prudence recommends a highly conservative approach.
Moreover, the present use of underground resources reveals a high degree of unfairness: the United States, with less than 5% of the world’s population, squanders more than 25% of the world’s energy. Evidently, the developed nations, including Japan, are consuming an inordinate proportion of the planet’s underground resources.

8. 自然界にない化学物質を人工的に作り出し利用することは最小限にとどめ、適切に管理し、有効かつ公正に活用しなければならない。原子力や遺伝子操作の商業利用は厳しく制限されねばならない。


8. We should also minimize the use of artificial chemicals that do not exist in nature. We must appropriately control such chemicals provide for their effective and fair use. Strict limits should be imposed on nuclear power generation and the commercial use of genetic engineering.

A substance not found in nature has a high likelihood of being incompatible with the natural system of material cycles and of possessing as yet unknown toxicity. The 100,000 chemical substances created since the mid-19th century through progress in organic chemistry, the artificial radioactive substances created since the liberation of the atom in the mid 20th century, and the new life forms crossing the species barrier created more recently by genetic engineering, are all sources of the utmost concern because they could easily destabilize nature.
Substances that may destabilize nature must not be allowed to enter natural cycles; they should be strictly confined and be kept out of natural cycles. While their confinement can never be complete and thorough, these substances can exert pernicious effects on living systems even in the minutest quantities, as indicated by radioactive substances and endocrine disruptors. In principle such substances must not be created, for their effects cannot be undone when found harmful. It is evident that nuclear power, which keeps accumulating staggering amounts of radioactive wastes, is incompatible with the idea of a society embedded in natural cycles.

9. リサイクルは循環型社会実現の限られた一手段に過ぎない。リサイクルは万能ではない。


9. Recycling is not a panacea. It does not solve all ecological problems because it is only one of the many tools to be marshaled for achieving a society embedded in natural cycles, and a tool with limited power at that.

Recycling is sometimes useful for conserving resources, curtailing energy consumption, cutting emissions of hazardous substances, and reducing wastes. But in many instances it does not necessarily bring about desired effects. Removing materials which have been mixed for certain uses (e.g., additives and alloys), or restoring worn-out articles to their original states requires work (labor and energy) in physical and chemical separation. There are materials suitable for recycling (such as metals) and those which are not suitable (such as plastics). Generally speaking, those materials made up of various substances or elements that are added or compounded, or those which are coated, belong to the latter category.
This tells us that care is needed at the product design stage. It is necessary to design products that will use non-toxic and easily recyclable materials, and products that are light and easily disassembled. In particular, the exclusion of hazardous materials in product design is the key to achieving successful recycling, i.e., recycling that does not impose undue burden on the environment. At present, recycling faces a great many difficulties. It is necessary for us to rethink completely our approaches to the selection of materials and the design of new products.

10. 大量生産・大量消費・大量リサイクルからの脱却が基本である。地域での物質循環を崩壊させるグローバリゼーションでなく、地域を基礎とした生産システムへの転換が実現されねばならない。


10. Of vital importance is the effort to extricate ourselves from the norms of mass production, mass consumption, and mass recycling. Instead of seeking globalization, which often leads to the collapse of local material cycles, we should seek a switch from the current mass production system to a set of locally based mini production systems.

Mass production and mass consumption bring about mass disposal of wastes, which cannot be wholly eliminated even with vigorous efforts at recycling. Wastes can be reduced only by lengthening product life and by promoting reuse, which includes recycling in the sense of producing one product with the wastes of another.
Mass transport of raw materials and products not only creates a heavy environmental burden by itself, but also seriously damages the environment in production and consumption sites by disrupting local material cycles. To save ourselves from this absurd situation, it is vital to rebuild systems of production and distribution based on local material cycles. That will first entail rehabilitating the primary industries, such as agriculture, forestry, and fishing, which are based on sunlight, water, and soil, i.e., on natural cycles. Even manufacturing, in order to be environmentally sustainable, must continue to maintain links with them.

Ⅲ. 経済と人間活動のあり方

III. The Forms of the Economy and Human Activities We Must Envision

11. 市場経済はエントロピー処理機構を持たない非自立的なシステムである。


11. The market economy is not a viable system because it lacks a mechanism for entropy disposal.

Entropy that arose from human economic activities used to be disposed of through nature’s self-cleansing capacity. The modern market economy too makes use of this capacity free of charge. Environmental problems arise from the emissions of waste heat and waste matter that far exceed nature’s capacity to deal with them, and as a consequence this capacity itself has become a scarce resource. Accordingly, nature’s self-cleansing capacity (its entropy disposal mechanism) itself should have become a market commodity, but this has not happened because this capacity has no legal owner. Thus the market economy as a system has so far developed without ‘internalizing’ the entropy disposal mechanism.

12. 市場でできる事とできない事とは明確に区別しなければならない。


12. A clear distinction must be made between what the market can and cannot do.

If the ownership of nature’s self-cleansing capacity is to be established, the owner should doubtless be a society and not an individual. Hence, the pricing of the capacity cannot be left to the market principle, as it is with the pricing of an ordinary commodity. Carbon dioxide emissions trading schemes, for example, are attempts at commodifying allowable CO2 emissions (a right to use nature’s self-cleansing capacity, which is a scarce resource). Environmental taxes in various forms are attempts at harmonizing the environment with the market by internalizing environmental costs as part of commodity prices. In both cases, implementation cannot be left to the principle of free transactions between individuals. Political and social institutions must somehow be created outside the market (for instance, society could establish authorities to which community group movements or citizens’ campaigns against pollution could make appeals). That is to say, the price of the right to use nature’s self-cleansing capacity cannot be determined by free competition but only by social consensus of one sort or another.

13. 市場でできないことは非市場的な人間活動に任せるべきである。


13. Whatever goes beyond the rules of the market should be left to non-market human activities.

The material cycles of nature and the economic cycles dictated by the market do not necessarily coincide. For instance, a farmer can use the sales proceeds of his produce this year for investment in his production the following year, but this does not mean that the produce he sold will return in one way or another to his farm as fertilizer. In order to bring the material and economic cycles closer together, we must look for systems of production and consumption embedded in local communities. In such an arrangement, for example, local resources would be used only locally, or local wastes would be recycled locally. To achieve that end, it would be necessary to re-embed a significant part of human economic activities back into the networks of non-market human activities, which had once flourished in local communities. Examples of such activities are the management of the village commons and neighborhood mutual help and sharing.

14. 非市場経済は社会的存在としての人間関係の中に埋め込まれている。


14. The non-market economy is embedded in the social and communal network of human relations.

With the development of modern society, local communities which were once central to the integration of economic life through networks of non-market human relationships have disappeared. If we wish to rebuild a sustainable non-market economy today, we must seek new institutional frameworks to take the place of traditional local communities. Examples of such institutional frameworks are nonprofit corporations and cooperative associations based on mutual aid activities, networks of direct producer-consumer partnerships formed between urban and rural dwellers, and local currency systems that would allow people living in the same region to exchange goods and services among themselves. From the perspective of these institutions, regional wealth is redefined and managed as jointly owned community assets, i.e., as the commons, instead of being viewed and exploited as scarce economic resources. In a society based on such institutions, the principal actors will be cooperative individuals and non-profit organizations happily ensconced in local communities, instead of egoistic individuals and profit-seeking enterprises driven solely by selfish greed for material wealth. Only in such a society will human rights and dignity be fully respected.

15. 広義の経済学の課題は生命系の経済(循環経済)の構築にある。

 経済学は富の生産と分配に関わる学問として発展してきた。だが、経済成長を前提とする狭義の経済学では環境への負荷を減らす方向性を打ち出すことができない。本来、富の生産も分配も、人間の生命の営みを維持するための手段に過ぎないのだから、生命系を破壊するような富の増大は抑制されなければならない。ここで、物質循環と経済循環とを重ね合わせた広義の経済を「循環経済」と呼ぶなら、広義の経済学は、富の所有(having)ではなく、生命の営み(doing, being)により大きな価値をおくことになる。

15. The task of economics in the broad sense (EBS) is to rebuild the economy as a living system embedded in natural cycles.

Economics has evolved as a discipline that studies (and promotes) the production and distribution of material wealth. But economics in this narrow sense (ENS), predicated on growth and aspiring for more consumption, cannot change its course suddenly and advise us to control excessive production and consumption in order to mitigate the increasing burden on the environment. Material wealth was originally sought as a means to support and enrich human life. People did not anticipate at first that the production and consumption of material wealth would come so far as to destroy living systems on the Earth. That is why ENS never thought of controlling the increase in material wealth. Today EBS must seek an economy embedded in natural cycles, an economy in which material cycles and economic cycles are, as far as possible, unified and harmonized. Such an economy will attach greater value to the fulfillment of life than to the possession of wealth.

Ⅳ. 法・政策と社会のあり方

IV. Frameworks of Law and Policy for New Society to Come

16. 循環型社会形成推進基本法は、大量生産と大量消費を支えてきた技術と経済を前提にしており、廃棄物処理・リサイクルもまた、そのような制約条件の範囲内に限定されている。


16. The Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-based Society presupposes the technologies and economics that have so far supported mass production and mass consumption. It also presupposes the limitations and constraints under which waste management and recycling have so far been effected.

The Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-based society (below, “Basic Law”), which went into force in June 2000, deserves a measure of applause for incorporating the new concept of ‘extended producer responsibility’ (EPR), which means making producers assume, in addition to their preexisting responsibility as waste generators, responsibility for the recycling and other management of their own products after consumers have used and discarded them. Indeed, the first step towards restraining excessive production is to have producers bear part of the cost of environmental damage arising from the disposal of their products, thus ‘internalizing’ it as economic cost.
As explained below, however, the Basic Law does not decisively blueprint a society embedded in natural cycles. Instead, it merely seeks to promote efforts at reducing wastes within the scope of the present mass-production, mass-consumption system. For example, it limits the ‘cycle-minded reuse’ of ‘recyclable resources’ to ‘the extent that it is deemed technically and economically feasible,’ whose only effect is diminished application of ‘extended producer responsibility.’

17. 廃棄物をどう処理すべきかについてきちんとした評価をするとともに、生産に遡った廃棄物対策の改善を明らかにするシステムが必要である。

 「基本法」では、循環の「基本原則」(7条)で廃棄・リサイクル処理の優先順位を初めて法定し、(1)発生抑制 (2)再使用 (3)再生利用 (4)熱利用 (5)適正処分の順位で処理するものとした。

17. To manage wastes we must establish a sound assessment system to determine who bears what responsibility, going all the way back to the product design stage. In this light existing waste management practices should be improved by making changes in the production process itself.

Article 7 of the Basic Law, referring to ‘basic principles for recycling wastes,’ stipulates, legally for the first time in Japan, the following order of priority in the management and recycling of wastes: (1) action to reduce waste generation; (2) reuse of as many products as possible; (3) recycling where possible; (4) use of waste heat; and (5) appropriate disposal. But the law is flawed because it also provides that the application of these priorities should be ‘within the range of technical and economic feasibility,’ without specifying the criteria under which that proviso should implemented. Under the circumstances ‘technical and economic infeasibility’ can always be used as a pretext for avoiding high-priority action in favor of low-priority action. In extreme cases, only ‘(5) appropriate disposal’ may be considered ‘technically and economically feasible,’ with the result that the usual landfill disposal practice will be perpetuated with the blessing of the law.
Selecting the best waste management method for each product and material requires avoiding partial and myopic judgments and performing a comprehensive assessment based on entropy theory. For example, ‘(3) recycling’ sometimes imposes greater environmental harm than ‘(4) use of waste heat,’ so that each situation requires concrete investigation and assessment to determine what kind of management is appropriate.

18. 廃棄抑制の基本は生産それ自体の抑制である。とりわけ、リサイクルも廃棄もできない有害な処理困難物は生産の抑制を図るべきである。


18. Discarding fewer things requires limiting production itself. We cannot circumvent this basic principle. In particular, we must curb the production of articles which are unrecyclable, hazardous, and difficult to dispose of after use.

The Basic Law does provide that it is the state’s responsibility to reduce waste management through means that would make producers bear part of the economic burden. To that end, the state should provide economic incentives for the reuse of products, such as by promoting bottle deposit systems, and thus should indirectly restrain unnecessary production. Administrative authorities should also be on the lookout to ensure that businesses do not practice illegal waste management because cleaning up illegally dumped wastes or monitoring large geographic areas to ensure a clean environment would entail high human and non-human costs.
The Basic Law does not hold responsible the producers of articles whose wastes are hazardous, non-recyclable, or otherwise difficult to manage.
The only way to forestall the problems that such articles are eventually likely to cause is not to produce them. But awareness of this basic truth is absent from both the Basic Law and from Japan’s legal system as a whole. Producing articles of this nature should, in principle, be banned. If some of them are needed for special reasons, the responsibility should fall squarely on the shoulders of the producers to recover and manage such articles after use.

19. 廃棄物の適正処理・リサイクル等の責任は、廃棄物となる製品を生産した者が持つこと(拡大生産者責任)を基本にし、リサイクル費用もまた、生産者の負担とすべきである。


19. In principle, producers should bear the responsibility for the appropriate management of wastes, including recycling (in the form of ‘extended producer responsibility’). Thus they should also pay the costs of recycling.

The Container and Packaging Waste Recycle Law (which went into full force in April 2000) obligated businesses to see that container and packaging waste is recycled. But municipalities are still responsible for collecting and storing wastes, which makes municipalities bear most recycling costs, while businesses only cover a minuscule portion. The Home Electric Appliances Recycling Law (which went into full force in April 2001) also leaves unresolved the question of who pays recycling costs. Because recycling fees are charged to consumers when they retire appliances instead of being added to the purchase price, appliance makers have no economic incentive to limit production, which they can blithely continue at someone else’s expense as illegal dumping continues. The Basic Law, which is to supersede previous laws, has no specific provisions on who pays these costs. It is therefore urgent to induce producers to abide by the new EPR provision so that they make serious efforts to dispose of wastes properly.

20. 「循環型社会」の形成を目指す政策は、生態系を維持する自然の循環を基本とし、この循環を途切れさせて大量に廃棄物を生み出してきた従来の経済・社会システムを変革するものでなければならない。


20. Policies meant to forge a new society embedded in natural cycles must be predicated upon the conservation of those cycles, which alone are capable of maintaining the existing ecosystem. They must work to radically change the orientation of our current economy and society which, for having unscrupulously disrupted these cycles, are about to bury themselves under mountains of waste.
Approaches that call for better waste management, while at the same time doing nothing about the existing social norms of mass production and mass consumption, are destined to achieve very little. Whatever has been produced, even if it is recycled, will eventually become wastes, and if those wastes are not reintegrated into natural cycles, they will remain forever in the environment. It is therefore absolutely necessary to take the working of the ecosystem into full consideration and keep economic activities within its boundaries, i.e., within its scope and its rate of change. In concrete terms, restrictions must be imposed on the emission of carbon dioxide, on fishing catches, and on the logging of forests so they do not exceed nature’s capacities for self-cleansing and self-regenerating. If we properly control the rate at which these resources are used, ecosystems will be preserved and we will be assured of a very comfortable living environment and its bounty. The rich forest resources of Japan are testament to this truth.
At a more fundamental level, we wish to claim here that embeddedness in natural cycles cannot really be achieved under the present form of society, which measures success or failure of the economy by the abstract yardstick of quantitative growth. It can be achieved only in a different type of society where people seek quality of life outside of material affluence. Such a society will surely entail radically revising the framework of the modern legal system, which was founded on the premise of thoroughgoing individualism and conformity to the regime of commodity exchange.